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The Tailings Reservoir Project of the Zimbabwean Lithium Mine was completed as scheduled

The Tailings Reservoir Project of the Zimbabwean Lithium Mine was completed as scheduled


On January 17, the Construction Project (Phase I) of the Tailings Reservoir at Arcadia Lithium Mine, Zimbabwe was completed as scheduled. CJIC is the main contractor for the project which was invested by Prospect Lithium Zimbabwe (Private) Ltd. At present, the works for geotextile laying and water storage were successfully completed as well.

During the construction, the management team overcame many difficulties, such as tight schedule and heavy tasks, especially completing water storage before the rainy season. By optimizing the construction plan and mobilizing all equipment and personnel of the company in Zimbabwe, the team worked day and night, worked overtime, and finally and successfully completed all the works which comprise the earth and rock excavation of nearly 1.6 million m³, earth filling of nearly 1.61 million and geotextile laying of nearly 160 thousand only within 94 calendar days. The completion of the project with high quality and efficiency was highly praised by the Employer, which lays a solid foundation for CJIC to explore the construction market in mines of Zimbabwe.